Monday, June 11, 2012

Planet X And American Astronomical Society Cover-up

. Brazilian Astronomer claims there's a rogue planet hidden behind Neptune. . American Astronomical Society tried to censor the information by wiping out the name of the speaker from the list of invited speakers from their website.
Brazilian astronomer/astrophysicist Rodney Gomes, of the National Observatory of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, made a presentation at the meeting of American Astronomical Society in Timberline Lodge, Oregon, about his theory that there's a rogue planet hidden behind Neptune, messing with the orbits of the objects of the Kuiper Belt.Rodney Gomes says the new planet could be anywhere from half to four times the size of Earth and is likely a rogue planet that floated over from another solar system.
Depictions of this supposed planet, based in the astronomical model of Gomes, put it as a serious candidate to be planet X. 

Rogue planet: 

A rogue planet — also known as an interstellar planet, nomad planet or orphan planet — is a planetary-mass object which has either been ejected from its system or was never gravitationally bound to any star, brown dwarf or other such object, and that therefore orbits the galaxy directly.Astronomers believe that either way, the definition of planet should depend on current observable state and not origin.

Larger planetary-mass objects which were not ejected, but have always been free-floating, are thought to have formed in a similar way to stars, and the IAU has proposed that those objects be called sub-brown dwarfs(an example of this is Cha 110913-773444 which may be an ejected rogue planet, or it may have formed on its own and be a sub-brown dwarf)

Later on the name of Rodney Gomes and his topic were just wiped off of the speakers list of the meeting in Oregon. 

According to National Geographic he made his presentation in May 8 conveniently one day later the website of the meeting was updated and his name is seen nowhere in the list of invited speakers: 

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