Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Japan Earthquake 2012 Was A Warning Not To Threaten US Dollar [del.icio.us]

Last year in our down-below articles we had documented:

HAARP caused Japan earthquake : Benjamin Fulford

HAARP Magnetometer Data Shows HAARP Caused Japan Earthquake

U.S. Economy May Benefit From Japan Earthquake Disaster : Fox News

HAARP Weapon System Causes Weather Modification : European Parliament Document

Now, in latest development the Crown Maltese have given a warning to Japan today the 1st of January 2012. If Japan continues to not play ball in the overt and covert economic system and threaten the U.S. Dollar then Japan will see '3/11 Part II 'The Aftershock'' which this time will destroy Tokyo as threatened previously.

This may even be the second warning due to an Earthquake in Central Japan weeks back. Japan is fighting an enemy with very dangerous covert weaponry the populace have had zero idea about.

Last one week news development:

China, Japan to Back Direct Trade of Currencies - Dec 26, 2011

Japan has indeed entered into an agreement to drop the dollar in currency exchange with China and has expressed interest in melting into ASEAN. Japan has also struck somewhat similar though slightly more limited deals with India, South Korea, Indonesia, and the Philippines almost simultaneously. Source

Japan, India Seal $15 Billion Currency Swap Arrangement to Shore Up Rupee - Dec 28, 2011

Japan agreed to make $15 billion available to India in a currency swap arrangement as Europe’s deepening debt crisis threatens to curtail developing Asia’s access to dollar funding.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda renewed a bilateral swap agreement with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in New Delhi today. The two nations had signed a $3 billion accord in June 2008 that has since expired. Source

New "Asian Union" Means The Fall Of The Dollar - Dec 31. 2011

The two largest foreign holders of U.S. debt and Greenbacks will soon be in a position to tap into an export market far more profitable than that of America, and that all of this trade will be facilitated by currencies OTHER THAN THE DOLLAR. It means the end of the dollar as the world reserve and probably the end of the dollar as we know it.

Japan’s inclusion in this process was inevitable. With its economy already in steep deflationary decline, the Yen skyrocketing in value against the dollar making exports difficult, as well as the ongoing nuclear meltdown problem at Fukushima, the island nation has been on the edge of complete collapse. Its only option, therefore, is to sink into the chaotic sees, or float like a buoy tied to an Asian Union. There can be absolutely no doubt now that Japan will soon implement the latter solution.

The dilemma at this point becomes one of timing. Now that we are certain that two of the largest economies in the world are about the dump the Greenback, what signals can we watch when preparing for the event?

My belief is that the trigger will come squarely from the U.S. and the Federal Reserve, either as legislation to heavily tax Asian imports, a renewed threat of further credit downgrades like that which S&P brought down in August, or the announcement of more open quantitative easing. Any and all of these issues could very well arise in the course of the next 6-12 months, QE3 being a basic no-brainer. ASEAN could, certainly, drop the dollar immediately after their central bank apparatus is put in place, resulting in a much more volatile trade war atmosphere (also useful for full global centralization later down the road). The point is, we are truly at a place in our economic life when ANYTHING is possible.

My hope is that as our predictions in the alternative economic community are proven correct with every passing quarter, more Americans will take note, and prepare. I can say quite confidently that we have entered the first stages of the catastrophic phase of the economic implosion. All the fantastic and terrible consequences many once considered theory or science fiction, are about to become reality. Source

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