Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sun UFO - Jupiter Size Doughnut-shape Spaceship Photographed BY NASA - STEREO

Sun UFO - Jupiter Sized Doughnut-shaped Spaceship Photographed BY NASA - STEREO

Earlier this week we had reported "Giant UFO Mothership Near The Sun Photographed By NASA SOHO"

In past we had also documented :

Earth Sized UFOs Using Our Sun As Stargate : Nassim Haramein

Sun UFO : NASA Caught Doctoring Near Sun UFO Image - Red Handed !

NASA Spotted Another Near Sun UFO, This Time Its A Huge Sphere

NASA Spotted Gigantic Triangle Shaped Coronal Hole In The Sun

Sun Pyramid UFO - NASA Removed, Sun SOHO Picture Browser Webpage

Now in another exciting development, on May 2, 2012  NASA STEREO photographed down below image; in which you can see a gigantic Jupiter size doughnut-shape spaceship near sun.

STEREO data suggest UFO was there from May 2, 2012 [Time Stamp - 19:15:40] to May 3, 2012 [Time Stamp - 23:55:40]. UFO is still there but from may 4 onwards NASA distorted the UFO from STEREO images.
Image of the solar corona, taken by the SECCHI inner coronagraph (COR1) on the STEREO Behind observatory on May 2, 2012 at 23:50:40 UT.Search Setting Screenshot

STS-75 1996 Tether UFO Incident:NASA's STS 75 Columbia Space Shuttle Tether Science Mission TSS-1R launched on February 22, 1996 from Kennedy Space Center Florida. The orbital altitude was 160 nautical miles with a mission duration of 15 days, 17 hours, 41 minutes, 25 seconds and a distance of 6.5 million miles traveled.

The payload deployed was an Italian built Tether designed to gather data on voltage generated across the Tether while in the ionosphere. During the operation the Tether snapped from the Shuttle on day three just short of full deployment of it's 12.8 mile length Tether causing it to speed away from the orbiter. The Tether moving through the ionosphere became electrically charged with as much as 3,500 volts or 480 milliamps drawing the attention of UFO's orbiting the Earth.

Very large UFO passing by and then behind the 12-mile long tether on filmed after the tether break on STS-75, Februay 25, 1996. The video camera was being operated by astronaut Claude Nicolier Photo of the STS-75 mission showing a UFO and the tether.Note that the tether is between 77-100 nautical miles away from the shuttle Columbia. The tether is 12 miles long. The UFOs all pass "behind" the tether which allows us to view and measure their minimum sizes. Some are 2-3 miles minimum diameter
Down below image showing NASA - STEREO and STS - 75 1996 UFO

View the original article here