Thursday, May 31, 2012

It's Official Now - Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Found In US Food []

Update: Yet again Facebook censored our article, particularly in U.S. by deleting comments, wall posts and even forcing its user to enter security text code prior to posting the article link on their wall.

Thanks to the jet stream air currents that flow across the Pacific Ocean, the U.S. is receiving a steady flow of radiation from Fukushima Daichi. And while many scientists say that the levels of contamination in food pose no significant threat to health, scientists are unable to establish any actual safe limit for radiation in food. Detection of radioactive iodine 131, which degrades rapidly, in California milk samples shows that the fallout from Japan is reaching the U.S. quickly."

"Milk, fruits and vegetables show trace amounts of radioactive isotopes from the Fukushima Daichi power plants, and the media appears to be paying scant attention, if any attention at all. It is as if the problem only involves Japan, not the vast Pacific Ocean, into which highly radioactive water has poured by the dozens of tons, and not into air currents and rainwater that carry radiation to U.S. soil and to the rest of the world."

"Radiation tests conducted since the nuclear disaster in Japan have detected radioactive iodine and cesium in milk and vegetables produced in California. According to tests conducted by scientists at the UC Berkeley Department of Nuclear Engineering, milk from grass fed cows in Sonoma County was contaminated with cesium 137 and cesium 134. Milk sold in Arizona, Arkansas, Hawaii, Vermont and Washington has also tested positive for radiation since the accident."

"Additionally, drinking water tested in some U.S. municipalities also shows radioactive contamination. Is the fallout from Fukushima Daichi falling on us? Yes, it is."

“Children are much more susceptible to the effects of radiation and stand a much greater chance of developing cancer than adults,” states Andrew Kanter, MD, president of PSR’s board. “So it is particularly dangerous when they consume radioactive food or water.” - Fox News

Radioactive Milk: Strontium Found in Hilo, Hawaii Milk

Last month we had also reported how a radioactive isotope of strontium had already been detected in American milk sample from Hilo, Hawaii. EPA found 1.4 picoCuries per liter of strontium-89 in a milk sample collected in Hilo on April 4, 2011
Although the EPA tests milk, the FDA regulates it, and the FDA’s Derived Intervention Level—the standard observed for food—is 4,400 pCi/L for strontium-90. I’m working to confirm whether FDA has a separate DIL for Sr-89.

The EPA’s Maximum Contamination Level for Sr-89 in drinking water is 20 pCi/L. (For more on the difference between EPA and FDA standards, see “Why Does FDA Tolerate More Radiation Than EPA?“)

The two man-made isotopes of strontium—Sr-89 and Sr-90—are among the most dangerous products of nuclear fission to human and animal health. Both are “bone-seekers,” chemically similar to calcium, that collect in bone and marrow, where they are known to cause cancer. They are particularly dangerous to the growing bones of fetuses and children.
The half-life of Sr-89 is 50.5 days, and Sr-89 is sometimes used as a cancer pain treatment under the commercial name Metastron, because it collects in and destroys the fast-growing cells of bone cancer. EPA considers Sr-90, meanwhile, “the most important radioactive isotope in the environment” because of its health impacts and a longer half-life of 29 years.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Olympic Games - 13,000 People Will Have Been Killed At 2012 Games : Rockefeller Foundation

Olympic Games - 13,000 People Will Have Been Killed At 2012 Games : Rockefeller Foundation

In our last article we had reported "Olympic Attack : London Olympics 2012 False Flag Operation Clues Deciphered" read more

In latest development, we had recived the down below report, what we find interesting is that on page 34 of the Scenario Planning Document of the Rockefeller Foundation, they state specifically that 13,000 people will be killed at the 2012 Olympics. They state this in the "Past Tense" as if it has already happened or is planned. They also name other disasters following this one by year. 


Note: Above article is published for further research purpose only and we don't have any intention to spread rummer or fear.

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Sun UFO - Jupiter Size Doughnut-shape Spaceship Photographed BY NASA - STEREO

Sun UFO - Jupiter Sized Doughnut-shaped Spaceship Photographed BY NASA - STEREO

Earlier this week we had reported "Giant UFO Mothership Near The Sun Photographed By NASA SOHO"

In past we had also documented :

Earth Sized UFOs Using Our Sun As Stargate : Nassim Haramein

Sun UFO : NASA Caught Doctoring Near Sun UFO Image - Red Handed !

NASA Spotted Another Near Sun UFO, This Time Its A Huge Sphere

NASA Spotted Gigantic Triangle Shaped Coronal Hole In The Sun

Sun Pyramid UFO - NASA Removed, Sun SOHO Picture Browser Webpage

Now in another exciting development, on May 2, 2012  NASA STEREO photographed down below image; in which you can see a gigantic Jupiter size doughnut-shape spaceship near sun.

STEREO data suggest UFO was there from May 2, 2012 [Time Stamp - 19:15:40] to May 3, 2012 [Time Stamp - 23:55:40]. UFO is still there but from may 4 onwards NASA distorted the UFO from STEREO images.
Image of the solar corona, taken by the SECCHI inner coronagraph (COR1) on the STEREO Behind observatory on May 2, 2012 at 23:50:40 UT.Search Setting Screenshot

STS-75 1996 Tether UFO Incident:NASA's STS 75 Columbia Space Shuttle Tether Science Mission TSS-1R launched on February 22, 1996 from Kennedy Space Center Florida. The orbital altitude was 160 nautical miles with a mission duration of 15 days, 17 hours, 41 minutes, 25 seconds and a distance of 6.5 million miles traveled.

The payload deployed was an Italian built Tether designed to gather data on voltage generated across the Tether while in the ionosphere. During the operation the Tether snapped from the Shuttle on day three just short of full deployment of it's 12.8 mile length Tether causing it to speed away from the orbiter. The Tether moving through the ionosphere became electrically charged with as much as 3,500 volts or 480 milliamps drawing the attention of UFO's orbiting the Earth.

Very large UFO passing by and then behind the 12-mile long tether on filmed after the tether break on STS-75, Februay 25, 1996. The video camera was being operated by astronaut Claude Nicolier Photo of the STS-75 mission showing a UFO and the tether.Note that the tether is between 77-100 nautical miles away from the shuttle Columbia. The tether is 12 miles long. The UFOs all pass "behind" the tether which allows us to view and measure their minimum sizes. Some are 2-3 miles minimum diameter
Down below image showing NASA - STEREO and STS - 75 1996 UFO

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

UFO Picture - UFO Photographed Over Peru

Down below UFO/Ovni was photographed on April 23, 2012 over Peru. 
Close up : Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Time Travelers - Ancient Aliens 2012

Is it possible that sightings of alien beings or UFOs may actually be evidence of time travelers from the future? And might ancient astronauts actually be time travelers from our future? Scientists explore the theoretical possibility of time travel. How can it be achieved? And what might people from 10,000 years in the future look like?

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

U.S. Police State : TSA Stopping and Conducting Searches on US Highways

On the name of Prevention of Terrorist activities, TSA starts stopping people on US highways without warrants or probable cause.


Latest Underwear Bomber Works For CIA - CONFIRMED!

Terrorist Plots, Hatched by F.B.I.

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UFO and Crop Circle Reported In Italy On The Day Of Earthquake

Some pretty strange events took place the same day that a 6.0 earthquake rocked a huge swathe of northern Italy. In fact, a UFO and Crop circle were reported on May 20, 2012 in Bologna, near the epicenter of the seismic occurrence, and a crop circle was discovered about 50 miles away.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Sun UFO 2012 - Giant UFO Mothership Near The Sun Photographed By NASA SOHO

Down below picture was released by Nasa's the Solar & Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). SOHO is a satellite built to study the Sun from its deep core to the outer corona and the solar wind.SOHO was launched on December 2, 1995. 'An unusually shaped, gigantic UFO was spotted on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and posted in a video on YouTube.' On April 24, a camera on NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory seems to have captured the image of something very large and artificially constructed hovering perilously close to our solar neighbor. The NASA video shows something that looks like a huge, sectioned object with some sort of lengthy attached mechanical arm. ‘The unidentified flying object, which bears no resemblance to anything ever spotted near the Sun, somehow manages to withstand the blazing heat thrown off by solar flare activity and the incredibly high temperatures emanating from nuclear fusion generated on the surface of the star. ‘The image shows what looks like a metallic, jointed spaceship with a gigantic extension, perhaps a boom arm, anchored off its lower end. 'An enlargement of the object makes the enormously large UFO look like a ship straight out of a Hollywood movie.' The 'jointed' arms of the object near the sun are very similar to fictional interstellar craftOther Related News Articles :

Earth Sized UFOs Using Our Sun As Stargate : Nassim Haramein

Sun UFO : NASA Caught Doctoring Near Sun UFO Image - Red Handed !

NASA Spotted Another Near Sun UFO, This Time Its A Huge Sphere

NASA Spotted Gigantic Triangle Shaped Coronal Hole In The Sun

Sun Pyramid UFO - NASA Removed, Sun SOHO Picture Browser Webpage

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Europe's Roswell UFO Crash - Aberystwyth UFO

On a dark winter's night in January 1983, the sleepy Welsh village of Llanilar near Aberystwyth was buzzed by a strange flying craft, which hit trees, scattered shiny metal debris over four fields and flew off apparently unaffected.One farmer witnessed the debris and clean up operation; one national newspaper carried the story; one civilian investigation team made it to the site; one collection of strange metallic debris remains. Witness for the first time ever in graphic detail genuine pieces of a crashed UFO.Mark Olly is an author, musician, historian, archeologist and lecturer. Best known for writing and presenting the ITV Granada/Sky History Channel's popular television series "Lost Treasures." Here he presents this first investigation in a series of internationally important hidden mysteries.

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More to Come

More to Come Soon!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Strange Weird Noises And Houses Shaking Reported In Wisconsin, Oklahoma USA and Vancouver, Canada

Live Chat

In past we had documented :

2012 - Strange Rumblings Sound Heard In Costa Rica

Strange Humming - Rumblings Sound Heard In Canada, Sweden, Hungary, Denmark, Costa Rica, Czech Republic : Jan 9 - Jan 12, 2012

Strange Humming Rumblings Sound Heard In Samarahan, Malaysia 

2012 Strange Humming Sound Heard Nelson, BC, Canada : Feb. 4, 2012

Strange Booms Sound Reported In North Carolina, USA

UFO Sighting and Strange Sound Reported In Primrose Hill, London, UK

Strange Noises 2012: Google Trends for "STRANGE SOUNDS" Way Up In Past One Week

Yet Again Strange Sounds Heard, This Time In Chile, Canada, Finland, India, U.S : Jan. 12 - Jan. 17

Solar Storm Cause Spacequake, Which Could Trigger 6+ Magnitude Earthquake And Rumble Sound

In latest development, beyond 'strange sounds' - widespread Rumbling & houses Shaking in reported in Wisconsin, Oklahoma USA and Vancouver, Canada.People in multiple states and countries are reporting the ground and their houses shaking and a barn collapsed in association with the rumbles, so obviously this is not just 'strange sounds' phenomena anymore.
Mysterious Noises Baffle Residents in Clintonville - Wisconsin March 21, 2012

Strange Rumblings in Oklahoma Sky March 20, 2012

Mysterious Rumblings and Sound in Vancouver Island, BC March 15,2012

*Update* Montello, WI More Strange Sounds heard SOUTH of Clintonville, WI - March 22, 2012

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Syria : CNN Anderson Cooper Caught Red Handed, While Staging Fake Syria News

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Update : Facebook censored our news article !!

Anderson Cooper have been caught red handed creating staged CNN war room scenarios regarding Syria and other stories that are simply manufactured Hollywood news designed to dupe the ignorant masses of America and the world into believing war propaganda. Damning footage has emerged of ‘Syria Danny’ – the dubious “activist” who appears on mainstream news each and every week begging for a US or Israeli military invasion – in which he apparently coordinates gunfire and explosions to be staged during his interview with CNN.

Syria Danny preparing his report for CNN is told by cameraman: "Tell them they are falling down, and we're taking bodies from underneath them". Hip boots please! This is a staged "report" and only proves that CNN is manufactured news. (Watch the clip below)...

Danny "the activist" is heard saying: "Well let the gunfire sound then," right before asking someone off camera, "Did you tell him to get the gunfire ready?" Then explosions are heard directly after but Danny doesn't seem to be startled by it. To coincide with the Fake CNN Anderson Cooper interview, the camera man and Danny are clearly appearing to be coordinating props, staged explosions, and gunfire for those watching. Now, despite all of the violent explosions and seemingly dangerous location Danny is in he seems to be perfectly calm with absolutely not a worry in the world! Danny has appeared on many television shows and his stories of war torn Syria seem to change each time he appears.

Danny Abdul Dayem : Liar Desired and Hired by the Anti-Syrian Media

This is not the first time CNN has been caught manufacturing news. Charles Jaco was the CNN reporter famous for covering the 1990 Persian Gulf War. The following video shows the stage set he was on, and he was clowning around with fellow CNN staff. The Saudi Arabian hotel in the background were fake palm trees, and a blue wall in a studio!

The clip below was leaked by CNN staff...

Other related News Articles:

Libya War Media Lies Exposed - BBC Shows "Green Square" in INDIA

Libya War - Rebel Advances On Tripoli A fake Disinformation Campaign

Real pictures from Syria

Reporter starts talking at 0:14

Reporter: Syria has been on the brink of civil war for a few months now. We decided to verify this situation in person (on our own skins). We find ourselves in the city of Latakia, where supposedly there is armed conflict between citizens, but the situation simply seems very different. Please, do you have something to eat? Thank you, thank you very much. Oh, thank you! Oh unbelievable! Let's let the natives themselves tell us what is going on here.

Citizen: I've been living here for a year and a half and so far I have not seen any demonstrations/protests. I normally go shopping to the market and then I come here. Everything is normal. Relaxed.

Kid: We don't worry about it. We talk about school, we play, and we don't pay attention to these problems.

Reporter: Did Syrian soldiers ever shoot at you?

Citizen: I haven't seen anyone here from the Syrian army. Those are things from Al Jezeera and Al Arabia.

Citizen #2: They never shot at us. Those are our cousins, our kids, sisters. Army, those are our people. There is no way they would shoot at their families.

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Friday, May 18, 2012

U.S. Marines Report UFO Over Base Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan

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An American witness inside U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan, reports there were many people watching a series of "seven equally spaced lights" in the sky that appeared and reappeared during one evening, according to recent testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database."We were all in our office on Camp Leatherneck when we were told to come outside and see these really cool lights in the sky," the witness stated.There were many witnesses to the event."I know that all of my friends on Facebook that were with us saw the same thing. They were up there long enough that people were leaving."The lights were hovering in place, but they disappeared and reappeared again.The witness provided two images with the MUFON report, which was filed on February 26, 2012. The events occurred on February 7, 2010. Image 1 and Image 2. The above quotes were edited for clarity.Camp Leatherneck a 1,600 acre United States Marine Corps base located in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade initially developed Camp Leatherneck in 2008 in preparation of its forces deploying to Afghanistan. The forward element of the II Marine Expeditionary Force as Regional Command Southwest is currently based there. It is also home to 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward), 1st Marine Division (Command Element) or Task Force Leatherneck, 1st Marine Logistics Group and, I Marine Expeditionary Force Headquarters Group. "They were up there for a long time without moving. They went away for a while and then came back. They didn't move or blink or make any noise. They looked like they were really high up but there was nothing to base that on. Pretty cool event."Source :

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Giant Human Finger Found In Egypt

Allegedly down below pictures were photographed in Egypt by photographer Gregor Spörri in 1988. Europe's biggest newspaper is showing them for the first time in public "exclusively". In 1988, on the last day of his private investigation trip, he contacted an old man from a grave robber dynasty. The meeting was took place in a farm-house in Bir Hooker, 100 kilometers northeast of Cairo.

After paying, $ 300 Spörri had a look at the grave robber unsold treasure. Wrapped in old rags was the bone and dermis.

Spörri told "It was an oblong package, smelled musty. I was totally flabbergasted when I saw the dark brown giant finger.

I was allowed to take it in hand and also to take pictures; a bill was put next to it to get a size comparison. "The bent finger was split open and covered with dried mold."It was surprisingly easy, maybe a few hundred grams My heart was up to his neck. That was incredible. In size to a matching body should have been about 15 feet tall"

The grave robber also showed the Swiss certificate of authenticity and an X-ray image. Both are from the 60s.
Source: Its not a first time that Giant human body part was discovered or photographed.

The down below petrified finger found in cretaceous limestone, belonged to a "prehistoric" human. Broken short of the middle joint, it measures 7.6 cm (3 inches). At full length it would measure about 15 cm (6 inches). In the photo, it is compared to a regular full-length finger. Excavations of this limestone has also revealed a child's tooth and human hair.

Sectioning reveals the typical porous bone structure expected in a human finger. Cat-scan and MRI identified joints and traced tendons throughout the length of the fossil. 

Cat-scan shows dark areas interpreted as the interior of bones and marrow. Areas less dense than surrounding stones, easily pass X-rays, causing darkening of the image. Black area is caused by sectioning.

Source :

Giants in the Hindu epics and Vedas

In the world of the Ramayana and Mahabharata, Rakshasas are a populous race of supernatural humanoids. There were both good and evil rakshasas, and as warriors they fought along side the armies of both good and evil. They are powerful warriors, expert magicians and illusionists. As shape-changers, they can assume various physical forms, and it is not always clear whether they have a true or natural form. As illusionists, they are capable of creating appearances which are real to those who believe in them or who fail to dispel them. Some of the rakshasas are said to be man-eaters, and make their gleeful appearance when the slaughter on the battlefield is at its worst. Occasionally they serve as rank-and-file soldiers in the service of one or the other warlord.

Aside from its treatment of unnamed rank-and-file Rakshasas, the epic tells the stories of certain members of the race who rose to prominence, some of them as heroes, most of them as villains.

In the Ramayana

According to the Ramayana, the Raksha people (also known as Raksasas) were the inhabitants of Sri Lanka who were said to have lived among the Naga, Yakkha, and Deva, and governed Sri Lanka in 2370 BCE

In the Mahabharata

The Pandava hero Bhima was the nemesis of forest-dwelling Rakshasas who dined on human travellers and terrorized human settlements.

Hidimba was a cannibal Rakshasa who was slain by Bhima. The Mahabharata (Book I: Adi Parva, Section 154) describes him as a cruel cannibal with sharp, long teeth and prodigious strength. When Hidimba saw the Pandavas sleeping in his forest, he decided to eat them. He made the mistake of sending his sister Hidimbi to reconnoiter the situation, and the damsel fell in love with the handsome Bhima, whom she warned of the danger. Infuriated, Hidimba declared himself ready to kill not only the Pandavas but also his sister, but he was thwarted by the heroism of Bhima, who defeated and killed him in a duel.

Ghatotkacha, was the son of Bhima and Hidimbi. His name refers to his round bald head with ghata meaning pot and utkacha meaning head in Sanskrit.

Ghatotkacha, when he was young, lived with his mother Hidimbi, when one day he had a fight with Abhimanyu, his cousin, without knowing that Abhimanyu was Arjuna's son.

Ghatotkacha is considered to be a loyal and humble figure. He made himself and his followers available to his father Bhima at any time; all Bhima had to do was to think of him and he would appear. Like his father, Ghatotkacha primarily fought with the mace.

Rigveda 7.104.24

O warrior! You should destroy both the male Rakshas and female Rakshas who kills by deceit . May such Rakshas not see the light of dawn.

They are termed as Yatudhaan (those who attack human dwellings) and Kravyaad (those who eat raw flesh).

Rigveda 7.104.17

A female Rakshasi who like an owl ventures out to kill in night should be destroyed along with other Rakshas.

Rigveda 7.104.18

O Powerful Ones! You should stand up to protect the masses and capture the Rakshas who intend to kill and destroy peace in night.

Rigveda 7.104.21

The king should destroy those Rakshas who kill others and destroy peaceful activities.

Rigveda 7.104.22

Destroy the Rakshas who attack like an owl, hound, wolf , eagle or vulture.

Rigveda 7.104.15

May I be killed today itself, if I become a Yatudhaan (one who attacks human dwellings) or reduce the life of any human. But if I am not so, those who falsely implicate me as being a Yaatudhaan be destroyed.

Giant Human Femur

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Android Apps : Now You Can, Receive Latest UFO News On Your Android Phone

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We're super excited and happy to announce our brand new UFO-Blogger.Com Free Android Apps for your android mobile phone. Android Download Instructions: How to Install 3rd Party Apps Download mobile droid app page Install the downloaded android app
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Connect your computer to your phone and transfer the file over USB.QR code Step 1: 
Prepare your Android phone to download your app by opening Settings > Applications and check the checkbox for Unknown Sources.

Step 2: 
Using your Android phone, get your barcode reader app and scan the QR Code on the left. Don't have a bar code reader app? Download this one.

Step 3:
Open the url and download the APK app file. Then click the downloaded app file to install. If you've done step 1 correctly it should install successfully.

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Monday, May 14, 2012

AREA 51 : America's Book Of Secrets

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It is one of the most covert military bases on American soil, protecting the nation's most confidential research and development. For decades, the highest levels of government had denied its existence. But behind the barbed wire fences and surveillance cameras are secrets...Go inside the most famous secret military base on Earth to expose the high-tech security, undercover operations, and most outrageous claims surrounding the 575 square miles of "restricted" space. What actually goes on at Area 51? Is there a connection between Area 51 and the Roswell event of 1947? Could there be a secret subterranean city underneath the barren desert? Have the conspiracy theories surrounding Area 51 been a smokescreen for controversial military projects? While the government may never reveal what it's really hiding at Area 51, many believe it is a place where truth is stranger than fiction

Other Related News Article:

Obama Refuses To Discuss Book Of Secrets

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Nasa Accidentally Confirms Moon Structures Exist

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In past we had reported " By Law NASA Is NOT Allowed To Tell The Truth"

Now in latest interesting development, Nasa accidentally confirms what we have known all along, that there are indeed structures on the moon. In this picture taken at the Nasa Ames Research Centre, we can clearly see two possible structures, one is quite clearly a square shaped building, the other to the right of the building looks like a triangular shaped structure or maybe a bridge, its arched in any event. Is this the smoking gun, absolute proof that NASA has been lying to the world? 

People in the pic are: Anthony Colaprete: and Karen Gundy-Burlet:

High Resolution Original Image:

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

2012 The Mystery of Puma Punku : Ancient Aliens

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Down below is one of the best episodes of all seasons, so far. The crew dedicated the entire episode to scrutinize the megalithic buildings of Puma Punku, in the highest area of Peruvian Andes. The most astonishing structures every registered in ancient civilizations, because is the only one that present visible and clear signs of hi-tech machinery crafting in giant blocks with hundreds of tons, assembled as legos.
Other Related News Articles: 

2012 : The Mayan Conspiracy - Ancient Aliens

2012 Ancient Aliens : The Greys - History Channel

2012 Ancient Aliens - NASA Connection

2012 Ancient Aliens : Mega Disasters - 9 Magnitude Japan Earthquake Was Not A Natural Event

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

UFO Information Disappears From UK Ministry Of Defense - Again

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One of the best poster-size images of a 1990 UFO mysteriously disappeared from the wall of Britain's Ministry of Defense somewhere between 1991 to 1994, along with other UFO originals and negatives. According to Huffington Post, "The photo was one of six taken by a pair of hikers who spotted a strange diamond-shaped object in the sky over Pitlochry, Scotland, on Aug. 4, 1990. It appeared to hover in the air near an Royal Air Force Harrier jet. Eyewitnesses reported seeing the unusual object above the ground for nearly 10 minutes before it zoomed away at high speed." This is not the first UFO disappearance in Britain of important information. Key documentation that related to the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident has also disappeared without any explanation. Rendlesham consists of mysterious lights reported by US servicemen at RAF Woodbridge in Suffolk in 1980. The missing papers were found when 8,000 UFO files were released to the public, a huge gap found by officials where the files should have been. Whether the British government deleted the current missing UFO files is debatable, based on the country's history of claiming "missing files." In 1977, Prime Minister of Grenada Sir Eric Gairy planned on calling for the United Nations to set up a unit to investigate Britain's missing UFO files. What sets this case apart are numerous eyewitness accounts, high-level interest from government officials, and the abrupt disappearance of the UFO photos and negatives. According to the latest data, "governments around the world have been in regular contact with aliens for many decades. 'Aliens have made both formal and informal contact with thousands of people throughout the world from all walks of life." But according to released documents by the Ministry of Defence in 2010, Winston Churchill ordered a UFO sighting to be kept secret
 Source :

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

2012 Ancient Aliens : The Greys - History Channel

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Pre-historic sculptures of reptilian beings, remains with elongated skulls and ancient myths of gray-skinned visitors are all clues pointing to the theory that aliens have been a part of human history all along.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

2012 Ancient Aliens - NASA Connection

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Researchers probe NASA-related information in the search for proof of alien contact in the recent and ancient past.

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Monday, May 7, 2012

NASA : Mysterious Objects at the Edge of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

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NASA's Fermi Gamma-Ray Telescope is finding hundreds of new objects at the very edge of the electromagnetic spectrum. Many of them have one thing in common: Astronomers have no idea what they are.

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Doomsday Remote Viewing Predictions By Former DIA Officer

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Recently we had reported "USGS is preparing citizens for coming solar Storms"

And now in latest development, Major Ed James, former Defense Intelligence Agency, involved in ESP secret Programs on Remote Viewing operations reveal that NASA's and our worst nightmare is real and our worst enemy is...The Sun! And its Kill Shot. 

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

2012 Ancient Aliens : Mega Disasters - 9 Magnitude Japan Earthquake Was Not A Natural Event

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In History Channel last episode "Aliens and Mega Disasters", Ancient Aliens staff managed to recover the credibility they completely lost in the other episode "The Greys".This time they had the guts to say that the US military have environmental warfare technology. And which had actually caused the 2010 7.0 earthquake in Haiti. Ancient Aliens also implied that the 2011 9.9 in Japan was not a natural event.The whole episode discussed if the biblical flood and other remarkable disasters in ancient history, were not scheduled events triggered by extraterrestrial weaponry.And for the record: Two employees of NASA did participate of this last episode. One of them is David Morrison, the same old guy who made a video dismissing Nibiru, Mayan Calendar, galactic alignment and everything else related to doomsday.When a NASA shill is participating of a show like Ancient Aliens, either NASA is contradicting itself or History Channel Ancient Aliens is a tool of TPTB.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

UFO Caught On Tape Over Santiago Air Base, Video Baffles Chilean Government

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In past we had reported :

UFO Hovering Over Chile Navy Ships Government Released Video Footage [2009]

Chile government reopens special UFO investigations unit CEFAA [2010]

Chilean Government Allows On Duty Military Pilot To Publish Book On UFO's [2010]

Chile's Civil Aviation Authority Published Audio Recording Of UFO Sightings By Pilots [2011]

Now in latest development, at the 2012 International UFO Congress in Phoenix, Arizona, retired Chilean General Ricardo Bermudez discussed the results of a remarkable multiple-witness UFO case. The UFO was spotted on the morning of November 4, 2010, during an air parade at the Air Force Academy in El Bosque, Santiago. Although no one noticed anything unusual during the parade, seven witnesses came forward afterward with different videos all showing a strange metallic object moving at extremely high speeds.The parade was part of a ceremony that takes place every four years to celebrate the changing of the Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Air Force. The president, the heads of the all of the Chilean armed forces, and many other officials were present. During the parade a group of Chilean Air Force aerobatic flyers, called the Halcones, a group of F5s, and a formation of F16s flew over the spectators. The videos show different stages of these various flybys.At first glance the videos do not look unusual, but if you look closely on each, there is a slight flicker as if something small moved across the screen very quickly. Upon closer examination, Bermudez says each video shows what appears to be a round metallic object with a dome moving across the screen.Bermudez is the director of the Committee of Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (CEFAA), which is arm of DGAC, Chile's version of the FAA. During their analysis, Bermudez says CEFAA first went to skeptical astronomers. Despite their disbelief in UFOs, the astronomers estimated the speed of one of the objects at 10,000 KM
Down below is an excerpt from Gen. Ricardo Bermúdez's presentation at the 2012 International UFO Congress, detailing the "Pelican Case," a UFO encounter that involved two airliners and a navy plane called Pelican.
Gen. Bermúdez showed the analysis done by the astronomers from CEFAA's External Committee of Advisors, which established that the object was not a meteoroid, a comet, reentry of space junk, a bird or an airplane. Furthermore, the scientists' report stated the UFO undertook "a risky maneuver in front of the Halcones from west to east" and that it did "a flight maneuver at low altitude and high speed." The report also established that "the object shows light and shadow effects of metallic like reflections and shows ellipsoidal shape" and that "the land observers do not detect the object in spite that it passes over their heads, thereby it is not accompanied by a sound wave."
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