Sunday, April 8, 2012

Mufon Ohio Invites you to "UFOs - PAST, PRESENT, & the PARANORMAL"

This June 9th in Ashland, Ohio from Roswell to Marley Woods and the surprising connections that are unfolding in UFOlogy. This will be a conference bursting with "cutting-edge" discoveries and information:
Col. Jesse Marcel Jr. speaks personally about his experiences in the "Roswell Incident" and its aftermath. A case that, after 65 years, is still the center of controversy.
Ted Phillips, taking a brief breather from his ongoing investigation at Marley Woods, shares his surprising discoveries. Discoveries that will turn your perceptions about the UFO phenomenon upside down!
Click here for details about these two great speakers[Image]posted by realufos at 9:18 AM on Mar 23, 2012

View the original article here