Saturday, December 17, 2011

What were those lights over Loveland Ohio - ufos ?

Thanks to a RealUfos Reader who submitted us this interesting report. We would like to hear from anyone else in Ohio who may have spotted these strange lights over the last week or so please reply to this post.

Me and some friends were out on a street corner in Loveland Ohio on a park bench next to Tano Bistro (I used a website with google maps to figure out our exact location, which was Latitude:N 39° 16' 4.893" Longitude:W 84° 15' 30.5551"), when we saw these 3 whitish-orange lights in a triangle formation starting to rise up[Image] from the horizon (South/Southeast) going really fast. I got my phone out and started taking video of the lights, when another formation of lights rose up, this time there were five lights, the same color, in a much larger, somewhat uneven triangle pattern (Same direction). At this point people walking down the street, and eating outside at Tano stopped what they were doing to watch it, many getting out their phones as well and recording it.
There was at least one child next to me that was really scared. Both sets of lights continued to rise up form the horizon, appearing to rise almost vertically, before vanishing as we watched, while passing overhead. I'm still not sure whether they were 2 separate craft with multiple lights on each, or 8 craft with one light each. I live in the area, and come to this spot all the time, and I've never seen anything like this in my life. Note: I did see aircraft in the vicinity before and after the event, however they appeared to be civilian, and I am not aware of any that were in the vicinity during the event.
Posters feedback: I read an article on that said that similar lights were reported in 5 states on thanksgiving[Image] day, and another sighting of similar lights happened in cleveland on the same day, and Cleveland is north of Cincinnati Ohio, which is the direction the lights were flying. Very interesting stuff going on!
Note: Click 1080p from the menu on the bottom right and then go full screen to see the lights best (its not the street light)

View the original article here