Friday, October 28, 2011

UFOs Spotted at Myrtle Beach, SC, Pilot Says - October 19, 2011

Myrtle Beach Ufo news report:

"MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) -- Myrtle Beach business owner Gary Travis doesn't know what he saw off shore one night. But as an experienced pilot, he knew he wasn't looking at an airplane.

"I'd never seen anything like it," says Travis, "Not in my experience."

Travis shot video of a series of bright orange lights littering the sky. At first he thought they were landing lights, but then they started moving all over the place.

"These lights seem to snap on and off like someone flipped a switch. I even saw them rotate around each other and that's not going to happen on an airplane."

Reports of UFO sightings like these are reported fairly frequently in the Grand Strand area. Local paranormal investigators say it's exciting to check out each claim, but they have to use a healthy dose of skepticism in their investigation.

"The first thing is credibility," says EJ Lukacs of the Athena Research Group. He and his wife, Rebeccah investigate paranormal activity on the Grand Strand. "You need to look at the caller. What are they saying? What are they claiming?" Source

View the original article here