Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Tug-of-War of UFO Disclosure

Why does the US government continue to conceal the truth about UFOs and ETs? Is it truly ignorant of the UFO presence above and on the Earth? Or has it been keeping watch of the UFO phenomenon because it believes the public is not ready to know the truth? Why is it proliferating disinformation instead of real information? Why won't our own government disclose the truth? Does it not trust us? Obviously not.

"It appears that there or at least 16 different American intelligence agencies. Can we be expected to believe that none of them are involved in collecting and evaluating data about flying saucers? Wouldn't the FBI be hearing things? They certainly had files on UFO organizations, rock stars, and so on?" (Stanton Friedman, Flying Saucers and Science)

If anything, these intelligence agencies are involved in concealment of whatever information they have collected. But they can't conceal everything. They can't control the individuals who have experienced sightings or abductions or any kind of alien contact. They can try to silence them, which they have attempted over the years. But the truth always gets out. The reality always prevails, although not always in full. There will always be the deceitful circulation of disinformation and propaganda. So what we've got here is a failure of full disclose. What we've got is an ongoing tug-o-war between "we the people" and Uncle Sam.

Although the government still endeavors to instigate concealment, a large percentage of the truth has been disclosed already. But not by our government. The truth has been disclosed by UFO and alien sighters and abductees for the most part. Many individuals have had close encounters of the third and fourth kind. They have either seen evidence of extraterrestrials up close or have been abducted by them. Distant sightings of UFOs that may be flying hubcaps and so forth naturally are discounted.

Approximately 50% of the American population believes in UFOs and ETs. The other 50% either doesn't want to know or just doesn't believe. Many people know the truth is out, but it's just not in the mainstream yet. You don't hear about it in the News, not in the conventional newspapers, TV, or radio. But you will hear about it in the tabloids, underground magazines, web sites, late-night talk shows (like Coast to Coast AM), and so forth. Plus scads of books have been written on the subject, usually by researchers and investigators and eyewitnesses.

The government is ignoring all of us who knows the cat is out of the bag. They discredit all those who know the truth. There are too many eyewitnesses of UFO's and ETs, and countless researchers and investigators have been reporting these findings. The UFO community is large and growing, but the US government denies them any credibility and shames them for what they know. The government would rather foist them off as hoaxers and liars, or just delusional.

Perhaps a large percentage of UFO sightings are indeed hoaxes. Anybody can spray paint a Frisbee silver, throw it up into the sky and take a snapshot of it. And anybody can tell a grim tale that they were abducted by aliens. But many of the actual abductees have proof in or on their bodies, such as implants or various markings on their skin, and psychological scars, and so forth. But as usual, the debunkers are ready to debunk them all.

Stanton Friedman explains, "Still, there are noisy negativists who still insist there is no cover-up." In other words, people who blindly spout no real government cover-up exists, that we're imagining such conspiracies, have got their heads in the sand. They're flat-out in denial. All I can say is, let's open our eyes, so we can see what's out there. The truth is out there!

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Copyright 2006 -2009 by R. R. Stark -- All Rights Reserved

The preceding article is from "Strange Reports from Zones Unknown," a collection of accounts involving the paranormal, Ufology, conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and other intriguing topics of the weird and unusual. You can find further articles and short stories written by R. R. Stark at:

Strange Reports from Zones Unknown:


The Strange Stories of R. R. Stark:
