Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Release the files

So many people want this to happen, its usually for the older generation, but times change, and now younger individuals want to know more, more people have phones with pictures and videos captured and are or can be uploaded straight to youtube and other websites for people to see and cast their own opinions on the experience footage, so many personal experiences happens worldwide but there is also so much to cast doubt on such matters,

"you'll be surprised at whats real and whats not"

Our space neighbors keeps a distance from us but watch closely and we stare out searching for answers, some of us hope, some looking to make money and some just wish to know we are not alone for peace of mind, but some have intentions of different sorts due to the weopns and arms race which seems everlasting using tech as weoponry, like the anti-matter bomb capable of total devistation and the death toll would be catastrophic.

When a person reaches peace your intentions about life changes and some call that life with a level of matured enlightment, but for those only in search of it usually end up finding it, the problem is choice and everyone is bound by this.

We dont need our government hiding secrets from us, why did they hide them in the first place?? to find/collect evidence of the experiences and in doing so found that they had no clue what they were dealing with, yes they recoverd space craft of shapes and sizes and humanoid bodies pulled from wreckages and made stories up to cover tracks and divert media attention away from public eyes on the quiet they use the tech to better advance theirs and slowly release bits at a time to us, where do you think touchscreen tech comes from, where do you think micro chips and circit boards came from, computers, laptops, 3D, highdef, blu ray, nano tech What next Holo tech, the space shuttle has reached a sellby date what will replace that, most tech if not all was reversed engineierd from alien tech and manufactured to suit our life styles, high raking officials have denied all this but beyond retirement and discharged personal came forwads to tell there tale funny really!! we have come a long way in 50 odd years,

They need to release the documents and announce the truth of lies to the main stream media and public, everyone will have thier opinion on the matter, most people will embrace this and world differeces will reduce dramatically, i expect that a mere 20 to 35% of the worlds population will have some negative opinions but they will still remain, we are supposed to work together as a whole, to do this you need to start from the root upwards (government), let it go and grow through out the world, let them know, truth be told the rest of humanity have the right to know some wont understand but give them the chance, its how you grew up and its how we grow, by learning


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