Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dark Conspiracies and Extraterrestrial Secrets, Part 3

We've been trying to narrow down what secrets the government has been hiding from us involving the whole UFO phenomenon. The problem is there's too much information and disinformation in circulation. There are conspiracy theorists, whistleblowers, alien abductees, UFO and alien eyewitnesses, UFO investigators, and so forth, some of which could be total crackpots, or just wild yarn-spinners. Then we have the disbelievers and skeptics, and the covert government operators, some of which are probably Men in Black, and then we have the military and the government and its intelligence agencies that are trying to cover something up. With all of these people and groups on the loose, how are we the public to know what to believe? How can we discern the truth from the lies?

Can we trust the whistleblowers, many of whom have written fascinating books on how they revealed the truth after keeping government secrets for so many years? Case in point: Col. Philip J. Corso, who wrote The Day After Roswell, claimed many questionable things in his book, one of which is that he inadvertently peaked into a crate containing a dead alien at Fort Riley. And his claim that our military maintained a space war with extraterrestrials, not to mention an alien Cold War, is highly questionable also. Although there is a lot of fascinating information in his book, I've been questioning its reliability now, especially since various skeptical individuals have accused Col.Corso of being just another whacked-out crackpot; and yet others have said his book contains a mixture of truth and unresolved data, if not fabrication. So the question is, was he an independent crackpot, or did the government deliberately send him on a mission to write a book filled with propaganda, containing half-lies and half-truths, in an attempt to further confuse the masses with disinformation? Or was he an honest whistleblower trying to reveal the truth of something he was once ordered to keeps secret from the public? We may never know, since he has recently died.

Bob Lazar is another so-called whistleblower who has come out of the government closet, who claimed that he analyzed an alien spacecraft at Area 51. Bob Lazar says he was part of a reverse-engineering operation with an extraterrestrial saucer craft, finding ways to use its propulsion systems for our own aircrafts. Critics have denied his claims, so it's hard to tell if he's just another crackpot, or someone trying to reveal the truth.

Jenny Randles is a UFO investigator who believes Men in Black have been harassing and silencing witnesses of UFO phenomena for the last several decades, at least since 1947. She also reports that they have been thwarting and scaring various UFO investigators also, to stop their research endeavors, sometimes quite successfully. After interviewing countless witnesses and reporting her case studies in her book, The Truth Behind Men In Black, it is obvious that these mysterious MIBs are a large factor in the ongoing UFO cover-ups, although it's still not clear exactly who or what they are, whether or not they represent the government, the military, extraterrestrials, or if they are simply masquerading hoaxers. Whoever they are, are they covering up more than just UFO sightings and alien abductions and alien encounters? The well-hidden truth of what the government is still trying to hide from us still eludes us, but will we ever find it? Will the whistleblowers and investigators and the eyewitnesses provide enough evidence to blow the lid off the whole UFO cover-up?

How long can the conspiracies and the cover-ups last? And how long will they last before it's too late? When we discover the truth, will it be right in our faces and will there be panic in the streets? Will there be huge flying discs hovering overhead in every major city?

Or is this imaginary scenario just another ploy, another titillating cover-up just to keep us busy while the government is still keeping its best-kept secret?


The Truth behind Men in Black by Jenny Randles

The Day After Roswell by Col. Philip J. Corso

Saucers of the Illuminati by Jim Keith

Dreamland, a documentary about Area 51, on DVD

Copyright 2006 -2007 by R. R. Stark -- All Rights Reserved

The preceding article is from "Strange Reports from Zones Unknown," a collection of accounts involving the paranormal, Ufology, conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and other intriguing topics of the weird and unusual. You can find further articles and short stories written by R. R. Stark at:

Strange Reports from Zones Unknown:

R. R. Stark’s Strange and Curious Stories:
