Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Aliens My Theory

Alien UFOsHere is my theory about UFO's and Aliens. Since everyone has a theory, and no one knows for sure, mine is as good as anyone's, right?
I've done some research on the building of ancient structures such as the pyramids, Easter Island, the Aztec and Mayan buildings. Someone with technology much more advanced then ours had to help build them. I've heard modern day engineers say they couldn't build some of these things with the technology we have now, so HOW did the ancients do it?
Here's where my theory on Aliens comes in: Someone, from somewhere came here to help us along, to give us a hand in becoming a civilization. Then, once we had developed enough, they left us on our own. Over the years, with wars and plagues and the movement of people we forgot about our "helpers" our "gods" but we left records of them in our different holy books to remind us that we had someone to teach us. They never left, but have made themselves hidden from us. They are still checking on us, (UFOs) as parents check on their adult children. And as with children, we don't always go in the right direction, but must find our way on our own. Someday they may make their presence known. Or, maybe not. This is just my theory. Message

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