Monday, June 20, 2011

Alien Abduction Accounts Indicate 3 Major Types of Alien Beings

Reports of alien visitations with humans have been described by the abductees to UFO investigators as well as organizations that are documenting these eyewitness accounts for further research and study. Over time, various names have been given to the different forms of alien responsible for these interactions. Based on these eyewitness accounts, there are basically 3 major types: the Grays, the Reptilians and the Nordics.

1) The Grays - most reports of alien encounters concern alien beings now known as the Grays. The public has become familiar with these gray skinned, creased & wrinkled alien forms as their images appear frequently in many television shows and movies. They have been described as 4 feet tall with large bulging heads and extremely bulbous eyes without eyelids. Witnesses explain that the Grays take humans into their UFOs and perform what can only be described as scientific experiments on the abductee. Apparently, the Grays have a social hierarchy in that multiple people have mentioned there are workers and doctors/leaders performing separate tasks on the ships.

2) The Reptilians - abductee experiencers claim that the Reptilian alien is the most disturbing alien encounter. Not only do they appear lizard and snakelike, but from abductee accounts, this alien type treat their captives less than favorably. They use brute force and fear to intimidate.

3) The Nordics - these alien beings have been reported as "Nordic-looking" with blonde or extremely light hair and blue eyes. Considered to be quite beautiful, they could potentially pass as humans if you saw them from a distance as they walked down the street. Sightings have been reported in Europe and Scandinavian countries but not the U.S.

No alien has ever actually informed their human captive of the name Grays, Reptilians or Nordics. Instead these names have developed over time to help abductees describe their similar experiences with these alien beings to the general public.

Caroline Michelle is a freelance journalist fascinated by the alien and UFO phenomenon. To learn more about alien abductions, see article here and also visit my Alien Abductions Exposed blog.